16- False beliefs, corrected : All Arab and Muslim societies are disbelievers - صوت الدعاة - أفضل موقع عربي في خطبة الجمعة والأخبار المهمة

16- False beliefs, corrected : All Arab and Muslim societies are disbelievers

the allegation 

All Arab and Muslim societies are disbelievers as they commit so many acts of disobedience and grave sins.

the Reply:

We ask them: did not the Companions of Prophet Muḥammad (PBUH), during his lifetime, commit sins; did he (PBUH) declare them disbelievers for this? Never. The Prophet (PBUH) did not declare them disbelievers, but rather encouraged them to turn in repentance. He says, “Every son of Adam sins, and the best of the sinners are the repentant.” And he also says, “O people seek repentance from Allah. Verily, I seek repentance from Him a hundred times a day.”
Are you more knowledgeable than Allah and His Messenger?!
Assuming, for the sake of argument, that all these societies are disbelievers; then who are the Muslims? How this can be true while the Prophet (PBUH) says, “I shall be present there (at the Cistern) before you. I shall be your witness and, by Allah, I perceive as if I am seeing with my own eyes my Cistern at this very state and I have been given the keys of the treasures of the earth or the keys of the earth and, by Allah, I am not afraid concerning you that you would associate anything (with Allah after me), but I am afraid that you would be vying with one another (for the possession of) the treasures of the earth.”






عن admin

مجلس إدارة الجريدة الدكتور أحمد رمضان الشيخ محمد القطاوي رئيس التحريـر: د. أحمد رمضان (Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Ahmed Ramadan) تليفون (phone) : 01008222553  فيس بوك (Facebook): https://www.facebook.com/Dr.Ahmed.Ramadn تويتر (Twitter): https://twitter.com/DRAhmad_Ramadan الأستاذ محمد القطاوي: المدير العام ومسئول الدعم الفني بالجريدة. الحاصل علي دورات كثيرة في الدعم الفني والهندسي للمواقع وإنشاء المواقع وحاصل علي الليسانس من جامعة الأزهر.

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